Austin Police Release Body Cam Footage from the Officer-Involved Fatal Shooting of Raj Moonesinghe


On November 15, Raj Moonesinghe returned to his home in Austin, TX after a trip to California. He suspected there was an intruder in his house and proceeded to ask his neighbor, who had a security detail, if they’d seen any suspicious activity.

At some point, the security guard called the Austin police. Meanwhile, Raj grabbed his gun, approached his open front door, and fired a shot into his home.

According to the body cam footage, which was released earlier this week, when Austin police officer Daniel Sanchez arrived on the scene he failed to announce himself and, after arriving with no lights or sirens, demanded Raj drop his weapon. Immediately following the demand, Officer Sanchez fired his weapon, killing Moonesinghe.

Officer Sanchez is on administrative leave.

Moonesinghe’s family is demanding justice and accountability. Please share.

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