Maryland Governor Pardons More Than 175,000 Marijuana Convictions

Maryland Governor Wes Moore has signed an executive order to issue more than 175,000 pardons for marijuana convictions. 

This is a historic move as it marks the largest sweeping pardon in Maryland to-date. The pardons will forgive low-level possession and paraphernalia charges. The state legalized recreational cannabis use last year via a constitutional amendment vote. 

“The Moore-Miller Administration is committed to promoting social equity and ensuring the fair and equitable administration of justice,” a statement from the governor’s office read. “Because the use and possession of cannabis is no longer illegal in the state, Marylanders should not continue to face barriers to housing, employment, or educational opportunities based on convictions for conduct that is no longer illegal.”

“This action will also help make significant progress to address the racial wealth gap and will benefit Marylanders from across the state and from across the economic spectrum,” Moore, who is the state’s first Black governor, added.

Pardons like this will help lower national racial disparities in marijuana convictions. The ACLU reports that Black people are 3.6 times more likely to be arrested on marijuana possession charges than white people, even though the rate of consumption is about the same between Black and white people. 

Individuals affected by this announcement will not need to take any action to receive their pardon. However, it may take up to 10 months for records to be updated by the Maryland Department of Corrections. This move comes two years after a 2022 federal order from the Biden administration pardoned numerous categories of low-level federal marijuana possession offenses. 

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