NYC High School Students Walkout in The Thousands for Palestine

NYCPSL Repost-

Thousands of NYC high school students walk out of class and descend on courthouse to demand an end to the Gaza genocide!

Their demands:

1. Protect pro-Palestine students from unjust administrative retaliation and suspension

2. Protect teachers facing retaliation from administration and parents for teaching about Palestine and for being active in this movement

3. Take measures to protect Muslim and Arab students who are disproportionately targets of administrative retaliation and racist, Islamophobic harassment from their school administrations

4. Reject attempts to equate anti-Zionism with antisemitism. This is a tactic pushed by IHRA and other political institutions to silence Palestinian solidarity. This does not protect or keep pro-Palestinian Jewish students safe from the same administrative retaliation and harassment that all students in the movement face

5. Support NYC Educators for Palestine’s campaign to divest school and educator pension funds from Israel, including investments in illegal settlements in the West Bank, weapons manufacturing, and any other entities listed in the BDS (Boycott, Divest, and Sanction) list.

6. Support Palestinian-led curriculum initiatives about Palestinian culture and history. Mandate education about Palestine in history curriculums that centers Palestinian perspectives and experiences

7. Redirect city funding away from policing and into our public schools, prioritizing low-income Black and Brown communities

8. City council must introduce and pass a ceasefire resolution

1. Immediate and permanent ceasefire
2. End all US military, political, and economic support to Israel and Zionism
3. End the 17-year siege on Gaza and reinstate funding for UNRWA
4. Open the Rafah crossing
5. Free Palestine from the River to the Sea


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