Project 2025 Leader Threatens “Bloodless Revolution”

Project 2025 is a 900 page initiative led by a collective of conservative organizations in the U.S., coordinated by The Heritage Foundation.

Here are just a handful of the concerns with Project 2025.

Reproductive Rights:
Eliminate any mention of abortion from government law, policies, and regulations, as well as reinstate the Comstock Act to ban and limit mail-order abortion medication.

Climate Change:
Reduce funding to agencies that work on renewable energy.

Dismantle the checks and balances for previously independent agencies, giving the president control over the Federal Communications Commission, Federal Trade Commission, and Department of Justice.

LGBTQ+ rights:
Remove terms related to gender and sexual identity from all federal rules, regulations, and legislation.

Restrict legal immigration to the United States by dismantling the DREAM Act and restricting the DACA program.

Eliminate federal education policies and the federal Department of Education.

Remove the mention of DEI from every piece of legislation that exists.

Does Project 2025 concern you?


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July 4th Thoughts