Laphonza Butler Replaces Feinstein and Becomes First Black Lesbian Member of Congress

Laphonza Butler has been chosen by Governor Newsom to replace late Senator Dianne Feinstein representing California in Congress.

Butler will become the first Black lesbian member of Congress and the first openly LGBTQ senator in the history of the state of California.

Butler is currently the President of Emily’s List, an organization dedicated to advocating for the election of Democratic, pro-choice women in political roles nationwide. Before Emily’s List, Butler served as a senior advisor to Vice President Kamala Harris during the 2020 presidential campaign. She also has a long and successful history as a labor leader.

“An advocate for women and girls, a second-generation fighter for working people, and a trusted advisor to Vice President Harris, Laphonza Butler represents the best of California,” Newsom said in a statement announcing Butler as his pick for Congress.

Butler was born in Magnolia, Mississippi and has a degree in political science from Jackson State University. She is married to Neneki Lee, Director of the SEIU Public Services Division, a prominent labor union. The couple has an 8 year old daughter named Nylah.

Newsom continued his statement, “Laphonza will carry the baton left by Senator Feinstein, continue to break glass ceilings, and fight for all Californians in Washington D.C.”


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