Family of 62 Year Old Church Deacon Killed During a Traffic Stop, Wants Atlanta Officer Arrested

On August 10th, Johnny Holloman, a beloved 62-year old church deacon, was on his way home from Bible study when he was involved in a minor automobile accident.

When an Atlanta police officer arrived at the scene, he determined Holloman was at fault. After a disagreement between the officer and Holloman about the details of what happened, the officer claimed Holloman resisted arrest and proceeded to Tase him. Holloman, who was unarmed, died after being Tased.

Nearly a month later, Holloman’s family and their attorneys were finally allowed to view the body cam footage from Holloman’s final moments. The family says Holloman did not resist arrest. He, instead, requested a supervisor.

Now the family is calling for the involved officer’s arrest and footage to be made public.

“This was… as long as I have been doing this… the most senseless arrest I have ever seen. He was killed over a ticket,” the family’s attorney, Mawuli Davis, emotionally stated.

“All he did was disagree with the officer on the accident. As he reaches out to sign the ticket, the officer grabs him by the arm, and he begins to put him into custody. He took him to the ground, and you can hear Mr. Hollomon begging for him to stop. He says, ‘I can’t breathe, please help me,’” Davis continued.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation has begun looking into the case. Meanwhile, the Atlanta Police Department has released their own statement insisting that, since Holloman’s death, they’ve updated their traffic stop and citation procedures “to allow officers to write ‘refusal to sign’ in the signature line, rather than make an arrest.”


If you’d like to contact Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum and tell him to arrest the officer involved in Johnny Holloman’s death, call (404) 546-6900


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