Saint Paul City Council Passes Ceasefire Resolution

This past week, the St. Paul City Council joined over 70 municipalities all over the country, and a growing number of cities in Minnesota, in passing a non-binding Ceasefire Resolution.

The resolution, which passed with a unanimous vote, was introduced by Councilmember Cheniqua Johnson.“We had conversations up until the final hour,” Johnson insisted. “Council members were able to say, ‘You know what, I can stand by this resolution.’

In February, during a heated Council meeting filled with Pro-Palestine activists, Councilmember Nelsie Yang urged the Council to pass a Ceasefire Resolution. Council President Mitra Jalali reaponded by abruptly ending the meeting and the discussion.

The language in St. Paul’s Resolution differs quite a bit from the Minneapolis Resolution, which passed in February. Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey called that resolution “one-sided.” Frey expressed concern that the language erased the history of Israeli Jews and would alienate the Minneapolis Jewish community.


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