Former Mpls Police Officer Charged in the 2020 Beating of Jaleel Stallings
Former Minneapolis police officer Justin Stetson faces a felony third degree assault charge stemming from the 2020 beating of Jaleel Stallings.
The incident took place in the days after George Floyd’s murder while the city was enforcing a curfew. Stallings and others were in a parking lot near 15th Ave S and Lake St when an unmarked police van, with two marked police calls following, pulled up.
The police began shooting rubber bullets and Stallings was hit multiple times in the chest. Unaware that the they were police, Stallings grabbed his registered gun and fired back. As soon as Stallings realized they were police he put his weapon down and complied. But when the officers arrested him, they proceeded to kick and beat him resulting in face fractures.
Stallings was charged with attempted murder and acquitted by a just. He filed a lawsuit against the city and in May of this year he was awarded a settlement of $1.5 million and legal fees.
Last week, outgoing Hennepin County attorney Mike Freeman said police lied about Stallings, and his case was tried based on those lies. Freeman even admitted that they should have dropped the case completely after finding out some of the info pertaining to the incident wasn’t truthful.
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